ROAD CONSTRUCTION: InDOT seeks private partner for I-69 section

Dec. 7, 2012

The Indiana Department of Transportation (InDOT) has issued a formal request for ideas from private-sector engineers, contractors and financing experts to reduce the cost and accelerate the construction of I-69 Section 5, which involves upgrades to the existing State Road 37 between Bloomington and Martinsville.


The Indiana Department of Transportation (InDOT) has issued a formal request for ideas from private-sector engineers, contractors and financing experts to reduce the cost and accelerate the construction of I-69 Section 5, which involves upgrades to the existing State Road 37 between Bloomington and Martinsville.

The request for information focuses on two delivery models that would share with the private sector the cost and risk to design-build-finance (DBF) or design-build-finance-operate-maintain (DBFOM) I-69 Section 5. The state would use existing revenue sources to repay the contractor’s investment over time upon completion of key construction milestones and/or meeting performance standards following construction.

“INDOT is exploring innovative ways to deliver needed safety improvements for the citizens of Bloomington while reducing uncertainty and inconvenience for motorists and businesses,” said InDOT Commissioner Michael B. Cline.

I-69 Section 5 is currently in an extended formal comment period following publication of a draft environmental impact statement.

The new I-69 between Evansville and Indianapolis is widely regarded as a key component to the future economic vitality of southwestern Indiana and will connect an entire region of the state with improved access to jobs, education and health care. The 142-mile I-69 corridor was divided into six independent sections with the Tier 1 Final Environmental Impact Study, which was approved by the Federal Highway Administration in March 2004.

Pending federal approval, I-69 Section 5 construction could begin as early as 2013 with safety improvements to existing S.R. 37 intersections and interchanges in Bloomington. The safety improvements are intended to coincide with the opening of I-69 Section 4 to traffic southwest of Bloomington.

The request for information may be viewed at