National Precast Concrete Association

Carmel, Indiana 46032


About National Precast Concrete Association


1320 City Center Dr.
Suite 200
Carmel, Indiana 46032
United States
P: (800) 366-7731
(317) 571-0041

More Info on National Precast Concrete Association

Case Studies

Bridge Construction

Precast pile caps applied in New NY Bridge construction

July 13, 2016
New York’s Tappan Zee Bridge is a vital component of the state’s infrastructure system. On average, it bears the load of 138,000 vehicles each day, helping commuters cross the...
Michigan 2
Accelerated Construction

ABC methods applied to Michigan and Pennsylvania bridges

May 6, 2016
In 2013, the American Society of Civil Engineers conducted its latest comprehensive assessment of U.S. infrastructure systems. The results painted a grim picture, with the country...
Precast paving slabs arrive ready for installation and use

Rapid road repair that’s built to last

Dec. 24, 2014
When’s the last time you saw a pothole, or, worse, hit one with your car? Chances are it hasn’t been long. Pavements around North America are showing alarming rates of deterioration...