A Proven Partner
Eventually Smith partnered with Cargill Bioindustrial to properly rejuvenate the bitumen and binder from reclaimed asphalt. RAP Management incorporates Cargill’s ANOVA® rejuvenator solution, which has been used successfully in pavement projects using up to 100% RAP into its asphalt mix designs to great success.
“We actually sold more asphalt in our first year of business than what I projected we would do in year five,” Smith said. “That correlates directly to Cargill’s chemistry and just the nature of our business model in general. And the reason we’re selling so much asphalt is because of quality.”
When asked what made Cargill Bioindustrial a fit for what RAP Management was aiming to do, Smith said it was the experience and testing that were proven. “They [Cargill] have the most tons of asphalt in the world installed with [their] chemistry. And they have the best testing status showing that their chemistry actually performs,” he said. “Our customers are telling us we’re making the best material they have ever installed.”
The Cargill asphalt team works with customers long after the product is purchased to make sure specs and overall quality are achieved. “The customer service I get from the Cargill team adds so much value to my business,” said Smith. “They are in it for the long haul with every project and really stand by the product, the science and overall process to ensure we deliver a top-shelf RAP solution.”
On average, RAP Management is running more than 55% recycled content in the asphalt mixes they produce, which is three times the industry average. And after experiencing rapid growth selling to the commercial paving market, RAP Management is looking to expand. The company is slated to do a demonstration project with the city of Columbus that is an opportunity to highlight the capabilities of its facilities, the value of the product’s chemistry and “the ability for us, in a sustainable fashion, to produce really high-performing asphalt paving material.”
As infrastructure continues to age and contractors seek better quality product for U.S. roadways, more efficient uses of by products like RAP should naturally increase. A large part of RAP Management’s mission is ultimately lowering the environmental footprint of infrastructure. “The purpose behind this business is to divert this large amount of waste that’s being accumulated every year in the U.S. as we reconstruct roads,” Smith said. “Together, with our communities, we are paving Ohio’s future.”
To view the case study pdf, click here.