For too long, congestion and gridlock have been the norm for the one million cars and 150,000 commercial trucks that use San Bernardino’s Devore Interchange weekly. During peak times, it’s not uncommon for traffic to exceed five miles. Bumper-to-bumper traffic conditions on the interchange undermine the productivity of not only the region—but of the entire nation.
The traffic problems at the Devore Interchange underscore the concerns outlined in the USDOT “Beyond Traffic” report. Projects like this illustrate the nation’s ongoing need to upgrade infrastructure and prepare for the next 30 years, which will see massive growth in freight and population especially in the Southern California megaregion.
The $325 million Devore Interchange Project, which relied on $200 million in federal funding, exemplifies the need for sustained and robust federal funding nationwide.
To relieve congestion, this interchange and those nearby will be reconfigured with an added lane in each direction. Also, in addition to new general purpose lanes, much-needed truck bypass lanes were built in each direction to improve safety and reduce congestion.
The Devore Interchange Project is important to freight movement with the emergence of I-15 as a major truck and trade route. Activity at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach has increased dramatically in recent years, and much of the cargo delivered by ship ends up on trucks, which use I-15 to reach destinations throughout the nation.