Ohio DOT Met with Bridge Forward Group to Discuss Potential Changes to Brent Spence Bridge Plans

May 24, 2023
ODOT has historically been apprehensive of a different design on the Ohio side, but now the agency appears to be giving it greater attention.

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) met yesterday, May 23, with a group called Bridge Forward to discuss the possible redesign of the new Brent Spence bridge.

Historically, ODOT has been apprehensive of a different design on the Ohio side, but now the agency appears to be giving it greater attention.

Gina Brock, vice president of Bridge Forward, envisions a transformative opportunity if design changes are made.

"ODOT's plan has been around for a very long time. We're a very different city now," Brock told us in an interview. "There's a lot of benefits we could get from a slight redesign."

A generation ago, the lowering of Fort Washington Way helped make the redevelopment of the riverfront possible. Now, Bridge Forward envisions something similar by proposing ramps be moved to the Ohio side of the bridge.

The overall design lends itself to being more palatable for pedestrians and for urban livability.

Brian Boland of Bridge Forward described today's meeting with ODOT and city and county engineers as "very productive". He said there was an in-depth review of the plan with ODOT.

ODOT released a statement on the meeting Tuesday night, stating their goal of "building a project that addresses the needs of both interstate and local traffic that benefits those traveling through and living in the area."

“Today, we met with Bridge Forward for the fourth time this year. Once the design-build team is selected, we will loop them into the conversation. While we share many common goals with Bridge Forward, the project we deliver must be safe for all who drive, walk, or bike through it," the statement read.

There is likely to be a follow up meeting in about three weeks.

ODOT intends to select a designer for the project in the coming week, with construction of the new bridge scheduled for this fall. 


Source: WLWT Cincinnati

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