Pennsylvania DOT to Rehabilitate Market Street Bridge

Aug. 3, 2023
The plan includes a utility bridge to accommodate other modes of transportation.

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) recently announced its plan to rehabilitate the Market Street Bridge, which connects the west shore, City Island, and Harrisburg.

The plan includes a utility bridge to accommodate other modes of transportation, including bicycles, and electric scooters. PennDOT will also use the utility bridge to minimize its effects on traffic during Market Street Bridge rehabilitation.  

"The reason we proposed the utility bridge was to reduce those impacts, so we’re going to build the utility bridge first,” said David Thompson during an open house event, a community relations coordinator for PennDOT.

Plans to rehabilitate the Market Street Bridge date back several years but were delayed for multiple reasons.

The proposal was given on August 1 during the open house event. Harrisburg residents were able to make public comments, a majority of which were positive and in favor of the project. 

PennDOT plans to build the bridge on the south side of the Market Street Bridge. The structure will be 14 feet wide and will have bicycle and pedestrian lanes on the top. 

Officials plan to also extend Market Street Bridge’s sidewalk by about one foot. However, Willard says the utility bridge would be safer for cyclists and pedestrians.

Construction on the utility bridge is estimated to begin in 2025. PennDOT officials say it's expected to take about one year to complete. The proposal is available for public comment until August 7.


Source: Fox 43 News

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