Georgia DOT Considering Raising Talmadge Bridge

July 19, 2023
Project will raise the bridge and replace important structural elements.

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is considering raising Savannah's Talmadge Bridge and is requesting public feedback. 

The agency is calling the project the "US17/SR 404 Spur Bridge Major Maintenance Project." 

The planned bridge reconstruction will explore raising the bridge profile within the shipping channel (Savannah River) in Chatham County. The project will also include replacing existing cables, bearings and joints. 

GDOT says these improvements will allow more efficient access for larger ships in the busy Port of Savannah and elongate the bridge's lifespan.

The comment period is open now until July 27th, next Thursday, for people to voice their opinions on how they want the bridge to look, or if the name of the bridge should change. The public can submit comments on the official public forum

The plans state that the bridge will remain open through construction. However, there would occasional be lane closures in both directions.

GDOT will respond to the public's comments as well by releasing a comment response letter no later than 45 days after closure of the poll.

After this forum closes, officials will draw a final design and begin construction next year.


Source: WJCL 22 News, Georgia Department of Transportation

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