The rehabilitation of the Delaware Memorial Bridge is nearing completion of the first phase. The contractor rehabilitating the structure began removing construction equipment and barriers from the New Jersey-bound side Thursday, according to the Delaware River and Bay Authority.
UHPC Solutions North America LLC of Orange, Essex County, has been repaving the bridge’s northbound lanes into New Jersey.
The DRBA said Wednesday in a news release that once that work is completed, the company will switch to the southbound side, which heads into Delaware.
From Thursday through Sunday, the two right lanes on the New Jersey-bound side will remain closed, with a third lane closed from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. to remove barriers and replace them with traffic barrels. The left lane on the New Jersey-bound span and the bypass lane on the Delaware-bound span will remain open, the DRBA said.
The DRBA said the New Jersey-bound side’s lanes should be fully open by Thanksgiving.
Source: Delaware River and Bay Authority