RSI Was There from the Beginning
In the early 1990s, the Indiana Department of Transportation was the first DOT in the United States to require training for installation of Roadside Hardware and Crash Cushions. While at the time Road Systems, Inc. (RSI) had not yet been formed, future RSI employees partnered with the Indiana DOT in their training efforts and that partnership still continues today with training technology not available at the time.
Training Becomes Critical
Since then, training has continued to be a very important topic of discussion at National Committee Meetings and National Associations in the Highway Safety industry. It has been noted that a successful training program ensures there’s a qualified individual at the job site.
Some of the DOT’s and Guardrail installers across the country that have adopted their own required training programs, still hold the sessions in-person or through webinars. Others realize that creating time for such sessions to accomplish this training can be difficult and costly. That’s why they are leaving the original training style behind and are instead embracing the future of the industry by implementing RSI’s online training courses.
RSI Innovation Leads
Road Systems, Inc. became a leader in training programs starting in 2018 by developing online training courses for all three of their MASH-2016 compliant terminals. Proper training for installation, inspection and maintenance is crucial to ensure successful product performance — and this training can be accessed and achieved from anywhere, 24/7/365.