Glass pozzolans not only replace fly ash and slag, they will significantly improve concrete infrastructure. This is because glass bottle manufacturers have already gone through the trouble of purifying and ensuring the quality of the glass and its chemical composition. GGPs take advantage of this, allowing for a consistently high silica purity, a huge change from the inconsistency of fly ash.
Silica is the active ingredient in the beneficial reaction of SCMs. More silica means more strength, more chemical resistance, and overall more durability. Test results of GGPs back this up. When compared to slag and fly ash in concrete core compression tests (AASHTO-T22), glass consistently beats the old SCMs. These results are not the same for all glass pozzolans, but KLAW Industries has shown they can beat slag in strength by 11% at a 20% cement replacement rate (in a 4,000 psi mix). As a bonus to the concrete manufacturers, glass SCMs do this without changing the batching process at all.
Ground glass pozzolans are potentially the future of concrete infrastructure. With more projects incorporating them as a solution to SCM shortages every year, it may only be a matter of time before glass SCMs reach the acceptance needed to be used in large public infrastructure projects. When this day comes, maybe the troubles the industry is experiencing now will be worth it for the new, better SCM that saves money and helps save the planet.