Bergkamp, Inc., Salina, Kan., offers the MI self-propelled continuous slurry seal/microsurfacing paver that reduces the number of construction joints by receiving an endless supply of material while the machine is working. It is the only full-size continuous slurry seal/microsurfacing paver available and is ideal for large jobs and those with strict quality requirements.
Slurry seal and microsurfacing are among the most efficient methods of preventive maintenance for highways, roads and parking lots. The mixture aggregate, emulsion, water and additives are applied by the M1 in a smooth layer over existing pavement and can extend the life of the surface up to seven or more years. The main difference between slurry seal and microsurfacing is that slurry seal uses a standard emulsion, which requires evaporation to occur and sets in several hours. Microsurfacing uses a polymer-modified emulsion that produces a chemical reaction to force the moisture out and can set in less than an hour so traffic can return quickly.
The M1 is powered by a 335-hp Cummins diesel engine, has a hydrostatic drive system that can be controlled from either the front or rear operator station and wet disc brakes. The operator stations can be accessed from both sides of the machine and have handrails to protect the operator. The front operator station also has dual-driver stations, a detailed instrument panel and a good view of the aggregate hopper. Aggregate is delivered to the pug mill by a belt-over-chain-fed conveyor, which eliminates slippage while the steep hopper walls minimize bridging problems. The hopper is equipped with an automatic sensor to shut down the system if it runs out of aggregate.