Orders for Information Display Co.’s (IDC) SpeedCheck-brand radar speed signs increased dramatically in 2006, reflecting the growing popularity of new traffic-calming technologies among city planners and traffic engineers. This announcement was made following the results of a nationwide survey conducted earlier in 2006 that showed traffic engineers rank driver feedback signs as the fastest and longest-lasting way to slow speeding traffic on residential streets and around school zones.
According to IDC, a nationwide distributor of traffic-calming solutions, sales of its radar speed signs, also known as Your Speed signs, increased by more than 50% in 2006 over the previous year. In addition, a growing number of these signs are being permanently mounted to fixed posts rather than temporarily installed.
In a 2006 national survey of police officers, traffic engineers and safety professionals, driver feedback signs were identified as the most effective means of slowing traffic in neighborhoods and around schools and playgrounds. Ninety-seven percent of respondents agreed that driver feedback signs are effective at reducing traffic speeds compared with less than 39% that believed speed bumps were effective.
According to IDC, the technology’s recent move from trial to mainstream industry adoption reflects other advantages that Your Speed signs offer. For instance, Your Speed signs are able to collect traffic data and can be programmed to turn on or off at various times of the day. Unlike speed bumps, rumble strips or most other solutions, radar speed signs also can be moved from location to location.