The new Case E-Series wheel loaders—the 721E, 721E/XT and 821E—feature a new cab for enhanced operator comfort and best-in-class maintainability and serviceability.
The new Case E-Series wheel loaders (Circle 908) are powered by fully electronic 6.7-liter Tier III-certified Case engines that allow operators to match power and fuel economy to their application. They can choose between three power curves—max, standard and economy power—and four work modes—max, standard, economy and auto.
For high-performance activities such as aggregates, operations that require high breakout force and fast cycling, the operator may choose to use maximum power at all times. For operations such as working in a pipe yard or handling palletized material, economy mode will complete the task with the greatest fuel efficiency. In auto mode, the electronically controlled engine adjusts between power curves to move the maximum amount of material per pound of fuel.