15 companies nominated for the Bauma Innovation Award

Jan. 26, 2016

Winners of the Bauma Innovation Award will be announced April 10 

Klaus Dittrich, chairman & CEO of Messe München, announced nominations for the Bauma Innovation Award 2016. Fifteen companies were nominated and the winners will be announced the evening before Bauma begins at a ceremony at the Allerheiligen Hofkirche (Court Church of All Saints) in the Munich Residenz. Bauma opens its doors from April 11 to 17, at the Messe München exhibition center.

The Innovation Award is presented in five categories: Machinery; Components; Construction Process/Construction Work; Research; and Design. In total, 118 applications were received. The jury selected three new developments in each category to go forward to the final round. All of the nominated innovations offer significant practical benefit and economic potential, they are sustainable and they make a contribution towards energy- and resource-efficiency and/or towards the humanization of the workplace.

The nominated companies for the Bauma Innovation Award 2016 include:

Category 1: Machinery
•   The Kramer 5055e, Kramer-Werke GmbH
•    Autonomous Vibratory Plate, Ammann Schweiz AG
•    Mobile Battery Mold, Weckenmann Anlagentechnik GmbH & Co KG

Category 2: Components
•    SONO Water-Cement Analyzer, Imko GmbH
•    Intelligent Crane Fiber Rope, Teufelberger Seil GmbH
•    Liebherr Energy Storage, Liebherr Components Biberach GmbH

Category 3: Construction Process/Construction Work
•    Reinforcement of a steel bridge, Leonhard Weiss GmbH Co KG
•    Pipe-laying equipment RVG 1.0, Harald Gollwitzer Spezialtiefbau GmbH
•    Building (yard) logistics 4.0 for SMEs, Johann Augel Bauunternehmung GmbH

Category 4: Research
•    Concrete-3D-Printing Technology, TU Dresden, Dept. of Construction Machinery Technology
•    STEAM Hybrid Excavator, RWTH Aachen in cooperation with Volvo CE
•    MIDOS for offshore foundations, Bauer Maschinen GmbH in cooperation with the University College of Dublin

Category 5: Design
•    Concept Cab - The Future Genius, TU Dresden
•    Mecalac MWR, Mecalac France
•    Triple-Boom System, Tadano Faun GmbH

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