Connectiv has announced the winners for the 65th Annual Jesse H. Neal Awards, which include Roads & Bridges for Best Subject-Related Package. The editorial team of Roads & Bridges’ Editorial Director Bill Wilson, along with Managing Editor Brian W. Budzynski, Associate Editor Tim Bruns, and Designer Jazmin Huerta, earned the prestigious business journalism award for their coverage of the Florida International University bridge collapse.
Recognized as the “Pulitzer Prize of the business press,” the Jesse H. Neal Award winners are selected for exhibiting journalistic enterprise, service to the industry and editorial craftsmanship.
The awards were announced by Connectiv at an awards luncheon held on March 29 in New York City.
“It’s an honor for this, and each of our four winning brands, to receive the prestigious Jesse H. Neal Award, as it means we’re providing the ultimate service to the industries in which we participate,” said Scranton Gillette Communications/SGC Horizon CEO Ed Gillette, who added, “These awards are a testament to our commitment to excellence in content creation across multiple platforms.”
“Bill Wilson and his editorial team, Brian Budzynski, Tim Bruns and Jazmin Huerta, did an amazing job covering this story and event,” said Brandon Williamson, Roads & Bridges publisher. “The FIU bridge collapse was a terrible event, which shed light on just how vital safety is in these processes, from start to finish,” noted Williamson, adding, “Our team’s multi-platform coverage—with editorial, video, social media, and (Infrastructure Insider) podcast follow ups—continued to keep our readers abreast of the relevant news about the situation, and safety overall.”