U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao recently announced, during a transit industry briefing, that deadlines for several Federal Transit Administration (FTA) competitive grant programs will be extended for 30 days amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
"We understand that many transit agencies are experiencing disruptions to normal operating procedures and, as a result, some potential applicants to FTA’s grant programs may not be able to submit timely applications to FTA’s Notices of Funding Opportunity," Secretary Chao said in a statement.
The 30-day extension applies to grant programs currently administered by FTA with active notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs).
"To continue to support the transit industry, we are extending the deadlines for all current open NOFOs for 30 days, recognizing that transit agencies are focused on COVID-19 response during this unprecedented public health emergency," FTA Acting Administrator K. Jane Williams said in a statement.
Secretary Chao also highlighted the actions taken by FTA so far in response to the crisis, including new flexibility that allows agencies to use existing federal formula funds for emergency-related capital and operating expenses at an increased 80% federal share. She also encouraged transit agency leaders to request other relief from federal requirements as needed by making a request through FTA’s Emergency Relief Docket.
The grant programs affected include Accelerating Innovative Mobility, Helping Obtain Prosperity for Everyone program, and Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities program.
SOURCE: Federal Transit Administration