The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is encouraging cities, counties, and other local entities to submit a grant application to the 2022 Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A), a new United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) discretionary grant program. The SS4A program, and the new Kansas SS4A Match Pilot Program represent an opportunity to leverage federal and state funding to create safety plans for city streets and county roads.
The objective of SS4A is to reduce the number of fatal and serious injury crashes on local roadways through regional collaboration. The Kansas SS4A Match Pilot Program has been authorized for one year and provides financial assistance to local entities that apply for and receive funding from the SS4A Discretionary Grant Program by completing a Safety Action Plan.
This is the first year of the five-year federal SS4A program. Once Safety Action Plans are completed, projects identified in the plans may be eligible for future federal grants or other project funding through KDOT.
State funding provided by the KDOT pilot program will contribute to the local match required by the SS4A grant. The federal share of the SS4A grant is 80% or less of total activity costs and requires the recipients to contribute a local matching share of at least 20%. If applicants apply to the SS4A program, KDOT will provide a minimum of 10% of the total cost to develop the Safety Action Plan. Up to $4 million in SS4A Pilot funds are available to applicants in the first year.
In addition to the 10% committed by KDOT, regional or joint applications may qualify for an additional 5% of state funds. Cities with population of 15,000 or less and counties with population of 40,000 or less may qualify for an additional 5% of state funds.
For more information on how to get the funds, check out the whitepaper here.
Source: KDOT