Virginia Governor Highlights Investments in State's Transportation System

Oct. 28, 2022
The funding will help drive economic opportunity in Virginia

Virginia's Governor Glenn Youngkin spoke at the Virginia Governor's Transportation Conference, highlighting the investments Virginia is making in their infrastructure.

“Our transportation sector is the main catalyst to connecting it all together,” Governor Glenn Youngkin said.

The governor said that state leaders are investing more money into the transportation system.

“This year, we will have a record level of support from the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth Transportation Fund at $9 billion,” Youngkin said.

According to Youngkin, the funding includes includes $3.5 billion in surface transportation capital construction projects, $3.3 billion in maintaining highways, tunnels and bridges, $1.1 billion in improving rails and transit and $1 billion to fund regional transportation needs.

The Virginia Governor said the infrastructure improvements will improve the quality of life for Virginia residents and allow more opportunities for goods to travel through the state and in turn, attract more visitors.

Of the $9 billion, $1.7 billion is federal, and of that, $400 million came from the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

Youngkin said widening the I-64 gap in Hampton Roads is a top priority for state leaders, and that the local and federal governments will invest $750 million into the project.

On the other end of I-64, they’ll work with the Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission plan to double the capacity of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel

“When completed, this $3.8 billion project, the largest in the Commonwealth’s history, will fundamentally change the reliability of this vital corridor,” he said.

The governor said $1.4 billion in additional funding will support projects to improve the Port of Virginia. Leaders have invested over $500 million dollars in state and federal funds to deepen and widen the Norfolk Harbor to 55 feet.

Of the $1.4 billion for the Port of Virginia, $156 million is coming from the IIJA.

Youngkin also said state leaders are also working to improve other roadways in the state including I-95, I-81, and Route 58. According to Youngkin, improving these corridors could drive economic development opportunities.



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