The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is finishing up work on the I-90 East Laurel to West Billings project. Crews are resurfacing the deteriorated roadway, widening the bridge decks above 56th Street West, and resurfacing the remaining bridge decks through this Interstate 90 corridor. Additional work includes enhanced roadway safety features and Americans with Disabilities (ADA) compliance upgrades to the West Billings Interchange.
So far, 80% of I-90 has been repaved, and 12 bridge decks have been resurfaced. In addition, roadway signs and traffic signals have been upgraded and the eastbound bridge deck over 56th Street West has been reconstructed and widened.
By the end of 2023, crews are expected to finish reconstructing and widening the westbound bridge deck over 56th Street West, paving I-90, and seal coating of West Billings Interchange bridges.
The work expected to be done in 2024 is crews will resurface the on- and off- ramps at West Billings and Mossmain Interchanges, seal and cover will be applied to the roadway, the final roadway striping with epoxy paint will occur, and the bridges over 56th Street West will be seal coated.
MDT is urging drivers to be cautious when driving through the work zone.
“Driver safety and the safety of our workers is a top priority,” said James Stevenson of MDT. “As colder weather rolls in, it’s important for folks to remember that this is still an active work zone, and to follow traffic control.”
MDT is working with Knife River on this project.