ALLPLAN Bridge 2022 Delivers New Modeling Approach for Precast Girder Bridges and More Powerful Features

Nov. 15, 2021

Allplan Bridge is the most comprehensive solution for bridge modeling on the market, providing a single solution for detailed parametric modeling, integration of the construction process, structural analysis, and reinforcement design and detailing. 

The 2022 release introduces a new modeling approach tailored especially to precast and steel girder bridges, in which the superstructure is governed by the geometry of the substructure. ALLPLAN Bridge 2022 allows you to quickly generate 3D linear elements called “Link Girders” by selecting reference points on the substructure. The reference points define a local axis for the girder, and from here you can assign cross-sections and model variations for precast girders, steel girders, overhang supports, bracings, and more. 

Other modeling enhancements are aimed at increasing your efficiency. The powerful ALLPLAN PythonParts automation is now directly integrated into Allplan Bridge, allowing you to link geometric definitions and visualize these parts within the Allplan Bridge environment. 

Additionally, you can now create 3D parametric templates for repeated elements, including girders and pier elements. This makes it easier to not only add multiple instances of an element to your model, but also to make changes—any change made to the template will automatically update all instances of the element. 

New “Custom trees” let you organize structural members in any order, any number of times, and for multiple workflows according to your preferred data management practices. You can even implement multiple custom trees and organize the same data in multiple ways for maximum customization. 

An enhanced IFC schema now includes support for IFC 4.3, which incorporates a better taxonomy for bridge elements, including bridge type and bridge part type, as well as descriptions for object type, geometry and materials. This provides collaborators throughout the openBIM workflow a better picture of the bridge’s structural components. 

The implementations of AASHTO LRFD 9 covers strength limit states, service limit states, and fatigue limit states of reinforced and prestressed sections of concrete bridges, providing comprehensive design and code-checking based on a sectional approach. 

Finally, Allplan 2022 offers an entirely new tool for terrain modeling and road design. You can import terrain data in a variety of formats and limit your points and relevant project area for optimized performance. With intuitive parametric road design, you can model straight lines, transition curves and arcs in site plan and elevation. The new features also support the design of utilities under or next to roads, such as water, sewage, gas, and more.

Editor's Note: Scranton Gillette Communications and the SGC Infrastructure Group are not liable for the accuracy, efficacy and validity of the claims made in this piece. The views expressed in this content do not reflect the position of the Roads & Bridges' Editorial Team.

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