Protect Roadway Embankments Using the GEOWEB® Slope Protection System

May 18, 2022

For steep embankments, selecting a suitable slope protection strategy can help mitigate geotechnical risks, particularly where the embankment may be susceptible to excessive erosion or landslides. Whereas traditional erosion protection products such as erosion control blankets and turf reinforcement mats only protect sloped surfaces long enough to establish vegetation, the GEOWEB® Slope Protection System offers a permanent slope protection strategy to stabilize the full depth of a vegetated soil or aggregate cover against sliding. 

Supports a Variety of Infill Material

GEOWEB geocells can be filled with topsoil and vegetation (grass or natives) for a soft armor solution, or, in areas where vegetation growth is not possible due to climate, lack of sunlight or other challenges, crushed aggregate or concrete can provide a hard armor solution. Together, the infill and geocells function as a composite veneer placed directly over the face of the embankment, in which the GEOWEB geocells provide confinement and apparent cohesion to earthen materials that would otherwise be erodible or unstable on steep slopes.

A Variety of Anchoring Options are Available

The GEOWEB Slope Protection System can be installed on slopes up to 60º (or steeper in some cases) using one of two general anchoring methods. The first method, staking, is typically used on 26.5º (2H:1V) slopes and flatter and is accomplished with metal rebar stakes, plastic ATRA® Speed Stakes, or glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) anchors. The anchor length, spacing, and type will depend on project details such as slope length, slope angle, subgrade material, depth of the GEOWEB cells (3”, 4”, 6”, 8”, and 12” available), and overall concern for the potential for corrosion. The second method, generally used on slopes steeper than 2H:1V, involves tendons attached to crest anchorage (generally earth anchors or a buried deadman pipe). The tendons are made of woven polyester, polypropylene, or Kevlar and have various break strengths. Tendon material, break strength, and spacing are a function of slope geometry and infill type.

Free Project Evaluations Offered

Presto Geosystems works with you to ensure a successful project. We do not believe one size-fits-all solutions are suitable when numerous variables (slope geometry, anchoring methods, cell size/depth, infill type) exist. Therefore, we recommend that you let our experienced engineers perform a FREE project evaluation for your next project. Simply complete a short request for project evaluation form, and within 2 or 3 business days, receive Presto’s recommendation, which includes a recommended cross-section and backing calculations.

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