Mineta becomes vice chairman at Hill and Knowlton

July 20, 2006

Recently retired U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta will become a vice chairman of the public affairs/public policy agency Hill and Knowlton effective July 24, the firm recently announced. Meanwhile, there was speculation about who would replace Mineta in the cabinet post he held for five and a half years.

Recently retired U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta will become a vice chairman of the public affairs/public policy agency Hill and Knowlton effective July 24, the firm recently announced. Meanwhile, there was speculation about who would replace Mineta in the cabinet post he held for five and a half years.

Mineta, who had served as secretary of transportation since 2001, announced his retirement from that position in late June. His transportation career spans four decades. For many years, he served as a member of the Committee on Public Works, chairing both the Aviation Subcommittee and the Surface Transportation Subcommittee of the House of Representatives. He was also a primary author of the 1991 ISTEA legislation.

Candidates being mentioned as potential appointees to the recent vacancy include Maria Cino, Mineta's deputy at U.S. DOT who is serving as acting secretary; Bill Graves, a former governor of Kansas and current top officer of the American Trucking Associations; and former Federal Aviation Administrator Marion Blakey.