ROADS/BRIDGES: For one state, gas tax increase looks like it is a go

Feb. 13, 2015

Washington State Senate majority leaders are confident that gas tax increase will succeed

More news out of Washington State, as this week Senate Transportation Committee chairman Sen. Curtis King (R-Yakima), joined by Sen. Joe Fain (R-Auburn) and Democratic Sens. Marko Liias and Steve Hobbs, introduced a $15 billion transportation revenue package that would include a 11.7-cent gas tax increase that would unfold incrementally over a three year period.

The senator expressed confidence that the measure would pass in the chamber with bipartisan support, conceding that while some of his caucus colleagues were averted by the idea of a gas tax increase, "we don't have any other way to do it, without changing our whole system. We don't have another alternative at this point, but we also believe we can't wait any longer to address our maintenance and preservation issues and address congestion.”

The tax increase would roll out in three stages, comprising a 5-cent increase this coming summer, followed by a 4.2-cent raise in 2016 and a final 2.5-cent increase in 2017. Additionally, King’s plan calls for the redirection of sales tax revenue from transportation projects to a fund dedicated to transportation, rather than the state’s general fund.

The Senate proposal puts more than $8 billion toward road projects that include the North-South Freeway in Spokane and completion of the I-90 multi-phased project on Snoqualmie Pass. (For a detailed look at progress on the I-90 project, look forward to the March issue of Roads & Bridges.) Further funds would benefit transit and local rail projects, along with bike paths and pedestrian walkways.

King said public hearings would likely start early next week on the 11-bill package. Of note is the fact that King’s plan does not incorporate elements of Gov. Jay Inslee's climate-based proposal, which would have penalized polluters under a cap-and-trade program, the dollars from which would roll into transportation projects.

Part of the plan also addresses another idea Inslee is considering, a low carbon fuel standard that would require cleaner fuels over time. If that standard is ultimately adopted, under the Senate plan all non-bondable revenues - like fee-based money going toward transit and bike paths - would instead be moved into the main transportation account.

Senator Hobbs echoed King’s confidence at the press conference. "The bottom line is this, this package moves Washington forward and will drive our economy for years to come," he said, while King stipulated, "I don't think the four of us would be standing here if we didn't feel confident that could muster enough votes."

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