New Jersey DOT proposes $95M interchange improvements project
July 27, 2020
Work to include bridge replacements and construction of new ramps
The New Jersey DOT (NJDOT) is proposing a $95 million project to improve the I-80/Route 15 Interchange in Morris County.
The department is holding a virtual Public Information Center to provide local residents and businesses with information on the I-80/Route 15 Interchange Improvements project.
NJDOT says the interchange of I-80 and Route 15 does not have a direct ramp connection for all possible movements between these roadways, and that several existing bridges on I-80 and Route 15 are in need of rehabilitation.
The department proposes to do the following work:
Construct new ramps to connect Route 15 Northbound to I-80 Westbound and I-80 Eastbound to Route 15 Southbound
Replace the I-80 Eastbound bridge over the former Mt. Hope Mineral Railroad
Replace the Route 15 Northbound bridge over the former Mt. Hope Mineral Railroad
Replace the Route 15 Northbound bridge over the Green Pond Brook
Replace the Route 15 Southbound bridge over North Main Street Extension
Widen the I-80 Eastbound and I-80 Westbound bridges over North Main Street (CR 634)
Replace the traffic signal at the Route 15 and East Dewey Avenue (CR 642) intersection
Install American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps and install new sidewalk along Route 15
Construction is anticipated to begin in Spring 2025 and be completed in approximately four years.
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