Market Moves: Infrastructure Insider - May 10th, 2024
There's no shortage of ideas to overcome the sector's constraints
Market Moves: Infrastructure Insider | View online
May 10, 2024
From the editor

The main thread running through our collection of stories this time around is constraints — be it new regulations, the dearth of qualified workers or the elongated approval processes for projects of all stripes. And yet: While there are challenges around every corner, there are solutions, too. Reforms are coming, electrification holds huge promise and bugs could solve a pesky problem in the energy sector. We’ll always bet on the solutions to win out in the end.

— Geert De Lombaerde

Rulings on forever chemicals and vinyl production are signs that regulators are finalizing rules in case of an administration change.

Meet Brad, one of the technicians building Sulzer’s BABA-compliant pumps at its newly expanded production facility in Easley, SC. He’s part of a team dedicated to providing US-made pumps of the highest quality and with significantly reduced lead times to support vital water infrastructure in America. When pump reliability and quality matter as much as delivery without the wait, trust Sulzer.

New data indicates more young people participating in construction education.
The USDOT sketches out two possible scenarios.
Wait times have more than doubled since 2008 but the DOE has a plan that includes 35 different solutions.
The reform aims to streamline timelines while respecting the environmental permitting process.

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The $1.45 billion plan includes $145 million to support bus and light-rail projects and safety initiatives.
Volvo CE teamed up with civic groups and contractors to test electric equipment on urban projects.
A UTEP study looks at a rapid and cost-effective method to treat produced water on an industrial scale.