South Carolina DOT Approves Plan for Pavement Improvements

June 7, 2024
Projects were chosen using objective and quantifiable factors

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) Commission has approved $719 million for the state’s already approved 2025 Pavement Improvement Plan.

The funds will be added to the previously invested $3.6 billion in pavement improvements across the state since the plan was implemented in the 2017 Roads Bill.

The program focuses on four key areas: highway safety, road resurfacing, bridges, and interstate capacity.

According to SCDOT, the new plan will add another 727 miles of roadway to the more than 8,800 miles of completed and ongoing road work.

“We are grateful to our Governor and the General Assembly for their bold action in investing in our road and bridge network in South Carolina, and we are putting those dollars to work on pavement improvements," said Pamela Christopher, SCDOT commission chair, in a press release announcing the approval. "We recognize that there is more work to do, and this action is another step toward improving the pavement on our roadways across South Carolina, ensuring safe and efficient travel for everyone.”

The proposed 2025 Pavement Improvement Program projects were chosen using a ranking process based on objective and quantifiable factors.

According to SCDOT, “these projects comply with the 10-Year Plan, support the performance targets established in the Transportation Asset Management Plan, and utilize a county-by-county distribution of paving funds to ensure that every county in the state receives paving funds.”

The total funds allocated amongst the selected counties are as follows:

  • Anderson County will receive $19,917,458
  • Spartanburg County will receive $25,706,202
  • Greenville County will receive $23,714,678

“There is no question that the transportation system in South Carolina is critical to our future as a state and to the prosperity of all South Carolinians," said Justin P. Powell, Secretary of Transportation, in a press release announcing the approval.

"With the implementation of the Strategic 10-Year Plan in 2018, we invested a significant amount of the new gas tax in improving our pavements and catching up on more than 30 years of deferred maintenance on our system," Powell said.


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