Massachusetts DOT Approves Beyond Mobility Plan

Aug. 1, 2024
Final version addresses safety, reliability and resiliency

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has finalized its Beyond Mobility plan document, that will address six key areas for infrastructure: safety, destination connectivity, travel experience, reliability, supporting clean transportation and resiliency.

Monica Tibbits-Nutt, Transportation Secretary and CEO of MassDOT, expressed the agency’s excitement for the project in a press release.

“This plan will go on to restructure several recurring planning processes and shape new planning efforts at MassDOT to ensure that all of our work is reflective of the transportation needs of all our residents, today and for many years into the future,” she said.

Considered the “Massachusetts 2050 Transportation Plan”, Beyond Mobility serves as a blueprint for guiding transportation decision making and investments in Massachusetts in a way that advances MassDOT’s goals and maximizes the equity and resiliency of the transportation system.

“Our roads and bridges are crucial lifelines for our communities. It is essential that we leverage every available tool to ensure safety, reliability, and resilience in our transportation infrastructure,” said Jonathan Gulliver, Highway Administrator, in the press release. “Implementing initiatives such as Beyond Mobility is vital to anticipate and address future challenges effectively. The decisions and investments we make now will shape our lives in 2050.” 

“The Beyond Mobility Plan provides excellent guidance for the next 25 years, so we can continue to identify our opportunities to the benefit of everyone who travels in the state,” said Colleen Ogilvie, Registrar of Motor Vehicles, in the press release. “The Plan will help us take steps accordingly so we can optimize our operations and customer service tools.” 

The 60-day public comment period for Beyond Mobility began on April 1 and closed on May 31. During the public comment period, more than 500 individual comments were received and analyzed by the project team for potential incorporation into the final plan document.

Many at the press conference expressed their satisfaction with the plan and its push for a “reliable, equitable, and sustainable transportation system,” said Caitlin Allen-Connelly, Senior Advisor on Transportation at A Better City, in the press release. “The Beyond Mobility priority areas…reflect this and support an urgent need to move beyond the status quo.”

Source: Massachusetts Department of Transportation  

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