Texas Plans to Upgrade Streets in Sherman

Oct. 15, 2024
Construction will begin later this year and will allow the town to grow

The Sherman City Council in Texas recently approved a $10.5 million road upgrade plan to improve existing streets and build new roads so Sherman can handle growth. 

“The condition of Sherman’s roads is not where we need it to be” said Sherman Spokesperson, Nate Strauch, “We’re spending way more than we’ve ever spent taking care of our interior roads.” 

The city is getting ready to begin the first step in the plan, according to Strauch. He said that $2.3 million will upgrade Washington Street and Sunset Street. They will be the first two streets to get upgraded in this project. 

Construction is expected to begin within the next several months and should be completed by summer 2025. 

Plainview Road will also be revamped. 

“That will be completely torn out and replaced with a nice new concrete road that will be renamed Lonestar Road” Strauch said. 

The $6.6 million project is expected to begin later this year. 

“That will be the road that serves the new elementary school” Strauch said. “So, the city, of course, has a real important interest in making sure that we can get into and out of that elementary school once it opens in the 2025 school year.” 

The city council approved a separate project of about $1.6 million for land acquisition along FM-1417. 

“We all know how amazing the 1417 construction is now that it’s done” Strauch said. “The plan is to continue that construction further south all the way to the high school to West Travis Street.” 

The rest of FM-1417 through town will be expanded to two lanes in both directions. 

“We are expecting that TxDOT would probably start construction on that in 2026” Strauch said. 

Source: KXII

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