Delaware Governor and DOT Host I-95/896 Interchange Project Groundbreaking

May 15, 2023
The $208 million project includes rehabilitation as well as new construction.

Delaware Governor John Carney and secretary of the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT), Nicole Majeski, recently hosted an event to mark the groundbreaking of the I-95/896 interchange improvements project.

The $208 million project includes rehabilitation as well as new construction. Existing interchange ramps and bridges on I-95 and SR 896 will be rehabilitated, with I-95 northbound and southbound being widened.

Included in the new construction are new bridges, retaining walls, and a separate path along the interchange that will provide safe connections for pedestrian traffic from Newark to Glasgow. New sign structures and lighting will also be added.

Due to the interchange’s current configuration, there have been more than 700 crashes at the interchange since 2019 according to DelDOT’s Majeski. The new design plans intend to change that.

“This project is necessary in order to greatly reduce these incidents that cause serious injuries or worse,” she said. “We appreciate the input we received throughout the planning process from residents and the business community to develop a project that accomplishes our goal of minimizing crashes and keeping traffic moving.”

Governor Carney also touched on the improvements to safety the plans will provide.

“Since this interchange first opened 60 years ago, we have seen continued growth along the Route 896 corridor and the resulting higher traffic volumes that come with it,” Carney said in a statement. “Modernizing this interchange will improve safety for the thousands of people who travel through this area every day.”

The project is expected to finish by the end of 2025.


Source: AASHTO 

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