Report offers solutions employed across the country to tackle key roadway safety issues

April 8, 2020

A new American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) case study details the ways 16 states and the city of San Diego are tackling issues identified as critical to saving lives on public roadways.

“Successful Safety Solutions,” released in January, provides information on projects addressing four key areas and explores the Local Roads Safety Plans in California, Michigan, Ohio, and Washington.  

The report outlines solutions for roadway departure issues in Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Texas, and West Virginia. It specifically addresses rural safety corridors, the use of wider pavement markings, the use of rumble strips, assesses roadside hardware, and gives West Virginia’s strategic approach to addressing roadway departure crashes.

The study also addresses wrong-way driving by looking at solutions in place in Florida and Wisconsin. It discusses pedestrian safety solutions employed in Delaware, Ohio, Virginia, and the city of San Diego.

And, it provides work zone safety solutions employed in Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina, and Texas.

ATSSA collaborates with roadway safety infrastructure industry professionals to produce case studies, generally producing one to two per year. They are available to ATSSA members online for digital download at Hard copies are also available for purchase on the ATSSA website. Studies are free for association members and available to non-members for a nominal fee by visiting and choosing Case Studies.

The projects are examples of ways states have employed federal funding through the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). The funding was established to achieve significant reductions in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on public roads. 

“Action and advocacy for roadway safety infrastructure funding can and should be taken on all levels. For us to continue making progress on the state level is monumental,” said Eric Perry, ATSSA director of Innovation & Technical Services. “One of our goals with the case studies is to highlight successful solutions to help the practitioner as we all work Toward Zero Deaths on our nation’s roadways.”

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