TXDOT Launches Safety Campaign

Aug. 6, 2024
The transportation agency wants motorists to follow the speed limit

The Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) has launched the “Be Safe. Drive Smart.” campaign to remind motorists to slow down and follow the speed limit no matter where they are driving.

TXDOT especially wants people to slow down in school zones as the fall semester approaches.

“Be extra cautious and be on the lookout for those flashing lights and school zones. That means slowing down, paying attention, eliminating your distractions little away in cells, no texts, no phone calls is worth a child’s life,” said Waco district public information officer, Jake Smith.

The campaign covers all aspects of safe driving, focusing on traffic safety in the state’s energy sectors, work zones and along the Interstate 35 corridor.

Lanisa Dehn, an advocate for TXDOT, lost her mother in 2020 to speeding. A man driving twice the speed limit crashed into her mother’s car as she tried to make a left turn. Her mother died at the scene.

“If there’s one message that I could get across to someone that is considering speeding would be take a moment and think about the heartache and suffering that my family has experienced with the loss of my mother,” says Dehn.


Source: TXDOT, Fox 44 News, KWKT Waco

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