Project to improve pedestrian access and safety begins in Maryland

June 9, 2022
Howard County construction project to also provide roadway improvements

A Howard County, Maryland construction project aimed at improving pedestrian access and safety has begun. The project will also provide roadway improvements along Oakland Mills Road in Columbia.

The Oakland Mills Road Complete Street project will be completed in two phases and, weather permitting, is expected to be finished by September of this year.

During Phase I, which is now underway, improvements will be made to the curbs, sidewalks and pedestrian ramps at or near several Oakland Mills Road intersections. This phase of the project is expected to be completed by mid-June, depending on weather.

Following the conclusion of Phase I, crews will begin roadway work along Oakland Mills Road from Old Montgomery Road to Dobbin Road. During this Phase II, Oakland Mills Road will be reconfigured with the addition of a three-lane cross section with a center turn lane. Two-way protected bike lanes will also be added, as will new pedestrian crossings. Existing pedestrian crossings will also be improved.

These enhancements are expected to reduce vehicular speed along the roadway, improving safety for all road users. The roadway will also be resurfaced as part of the project. Signs and temporary traffic control devices will be in place to alert motorists of the project, as temporary lane shifts and single lane closures can be expected during construction hours.

While the County and its transportation partners work hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones, drivers are reminded to stay alert and look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers.


Source: Howard County Press Release

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