Wilkin County, Minnesota Engineer Brian Noetzelman has years of experience with stabilized full depth reclamation (SFDR) projects. The county had a SFDR project scheduled for Wilkin County CSAH #3 in 2019.
In the state of Minnesota counties use a granular equivalency (GE) value when designing roads to help determine the amount of material needed to provide the required strength. The state also requires the county to achieve a specific strength on a road in order to receive state aid funding.
When designing a road 1 in. of MN Class 5 gravel base = 1 GE. The state gives additional credit for stabilized full depth reclamation when blending 50% bituminous pavement and 50% aggregate used in the base layer. Cement or oil emulsions additives provide a GE of 1.5 for every 1 in. stabilized. BASE ONE provides a GE of 1.25 for every 1 in. stabilized. This number system is similar to the structural coefficient numbers many states are familiar with.
The county looked at two options for this 13.2-mile 30-ft.-wide project.
For the first option, the county considered stabilizing 6 in. of base with an engineered emulsion at an estimated cost of $2,375,000. The 6 in. of stabilized 50/50 blend of asphalt and gravel base would provide the needed GE of 9 for this layer. (1.5 GE X 6 in.) = GE of 9 in.