To meet state and federal reporting requirements, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) must know what assets it has and where they are located. This challenge is complex because the network with which it is associated is constantly changing, and the linear nature of roadway information is not something that standard asset management or business intelligence tools can easily manipulate. In addition, with road network and feature information residing in many local repositories, ODOT struggled with issues of data and process duplication. The agency needed a comprehensive, linear asset management solution—one that would enable more efficient data capture, analysis, and information mobility that would streamline processes and improve regulatory reporting.
ODOT used AssetWise as the foundation for TransInfo, its new system that reconciles and connects disparate asset data, seamlessly maintains a spatial representation of all information, and integrates all network assets and asset information systems. It provides a unified view of the entire state road network and its associated features, such as speed limits and number of lanes. All information and data are easily accessible to ODOT and all other consumers. The system also interfaces easily with other ODOT systems.
With its integrated linear network management capabilities, AssetWise provided a single source of truth for ODOT to manage all roadway asset information, including spatial network data, inventory and maintenance data, asset data, road geometry data and road classification data. The Transportation Intelligence Gateway (TIG), which is part of AssetWise, provides powerful and flexible operational analytics that are integrated into ODOT’s transactional system, which uses linearly referenced data. TIG enabled ODOT to overcome the linear reporting and analysis challenges that traditional asset management, business intelligence tools and geographic information system software fail to address. It allows ODOT to dynamically segment the network and report against its road network in any way it wishes to support crash statistics, federal reporting and more.
Using AssetWise, ODOT has eliminated or reduced many duplicate systems, processes, procedures and data. The agency can model and manage data in an efficient manner for transactional data collection and maintenance, as well as meet reporting requirements on time and with complete information through the new system. The team can now easily generate accurate reports, including the Highway Performance Monitoring System to the Federal Highway Authority, and support Governmental Accounting Standards Board Standard 34 for asset reporting.
The new system is expected to deliver approximately $3.4 million in tangible benefits, as well as many intangible ones. For example, it has significantly streamlined data entry and reporting, enhanced data accuracy and available detail, reduced risk of errors, cut training time and improved safety. The new system also reduced time to enter construction-planning information by 15% and labor costs related to data collection, entry and maintenance by 10%. ODOT has also realized a 66% increase in overall efficiency compared to when it used other systems. ODOT expects that the savings it realizes from its investment in AssetWise will pay for the new system in only six years. Click here to learn more.