Optimizing Winter Road Maintenance

Aug. 29, 2024
How artificial intelligence improves decision making

By Hossein Tavakoli, Contributing Author

Winter road maintenance is a critical component of ensuring safe and efficient travel during the colder months. Traditional methods of managing winter roads often rely on manual decision making, which can be labor-intensive and subject to human error.

Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) present an opportunity to enhance these processes. AI can optimize winter road maintenance by improving decision making, reducing costs and enhancing safety.

The Need for AI

Winter maintenance involves complex decision-making processes that include determining when and where to apply treatments such as salt or sand, deploying snowplows and managing resources effectively.

Human judgment, while valuable, can be inconsistent and slow. Factors such as varying weather conditions, road usage patterns and the need for timely responses create challenges that are difficult to address with manual methods alone.

AI offers a solution by providing data-driven decision support that can process vast amounts of information quickly and accurately. By leveraging data from multiple sources, including weather forecasts, traffic patterns and road sensors, AI systems can recommend optimal maintenance strategies in real-time.

This integration of AI into winter maintenance practices can transform how agencies handle winter weather challenges, leading to more efficient and effective road management.

The SmartMDSS Project

Led by Zhen Liu, Ph.D., the Michigan Technological University and University of Virginia have collaborated on the development of a "Smart" Maintenance Decision Support System (SmartMDSS).

This project, funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), aims to enhance winter road maintenance using AI and deep learning technologies.

The SmartMDSS project addresses three key gaps in current winter maintenance practices:

  • Underutilization of Historical Data: Current systems often discard valuable historical data, focusing only on short-term forecasts. Our AI-driven approach leverages historical data to improve prediction accuracy and decision-making over time.
  • Model-Based Limitations: Traditional model-based decision systems are static and do not adapt to new data. In contrast, our AI system continuously learns and improves as more data is collected, providing increasingly accurate recommendations.
  • Manual Data Processing: Human intervention is still required in many existing systems. Our AI-enhanced framework aims to automate data analysis and decision-making, reducing the need for manual input and minimizing human error.

How AI Enhances Decision-Making

The SmartMDSS project uses deep learning and reinforcement learning techniques. These AI methods enable the system to predict road conditions and recommend maintenance actions based on real-time data. Here’s how it works:

  • Data Collection: The system collects data from various sources, including road weather information systems (RWIS), traffic sensors and surveillance cameras. This data includes parameters like air and pavement temperature, humidity, wind speed and traffic flow.
  • Deep Learning for Prediction: Using recurrent neural networks (RNNs), the system analyzes historical and real-time data to predict future road conditions. This includes forecasting pavement temperature, ice formation and snow accumulation. By predicting these conditions more accurately, maintenance crews can be better prepared and more proactive in their responses.
  • Reinforcement Learning for Decision-Making: The system employs reinforcement learning (RL) to optimize maintenance strategies. By simulating various scenarios, the AI learns the most effective actions to take under different conditions. For example, it can determine the optimal amount of salt to apply based on current and forecasted road conditions, minimizing waste and environmental impact. This approach ensures that resources are used efficiently, saving costs and reducing the environmental footprint of road maintenance activities.
  • Continuous Improvement: The AI system continuously updates its models based on new data, improving its accuracy and effectiveness over time. This adaptive learning capability ensures that the SmartMDSS remains effective even as conditions change. By learning from each winter season, the system becomes increasingly adept at predicting and responding to a variety of winter weather scenarios.

Field Testing and Implementation

The SmartMDSS has been piloted in collaboration with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and several county road agencies. Initial results have been promising, and they show significant improvements in efficiency and effectiveness of winter maintenance operations.

One notable case study involves the Emmet County Road Commission (CRC), which has integrated the SmartMDSS into its winter maintenance practices. The system has helped the CRC optimize salt usage, reduce costs and improve road safety during winter storms.

By providing real-time recommendations, the SmartMDSS has enabled quicker and more accurate responses to changing road conditions. This has improved road safety and enhanced the operational efficiency of the road maintenance crews.

The Benefits

The integration of AI into winter road maintenance offers numerous benefits, including improved safety, cost reduction, environmental protection, operational efficiency and scalability.

By predicting hazardous road conditions more accurately, the SmartMDSS allows for timely interventions, reducing the risk of accidents and improving overall road safety.

Optimized use of resources such as salt and sand can lead to significant cost savings. By applying the right amount of materials at the right time, agencies can reduce waste and lower their expenditures on maintenance supplies.

Minimizing the use of salt and other chemicals helps protect the environment. Excessive use of these materials can lead to soil and water pollution. AI-optimized maintenance strategies ensure that only the necessary amount of chemicals is used, mitigating environmental impact.

Automated data analysis and decision-making streamline the maintenance process, allowing crews to focus on execution rather than planning. This leads to more efficient operations and better allocation of human resources.

The AI system can be scaled to cover larger geographic areas and more diverse road networks. This flexibility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, from small municipalities to large state agencies.

Future Directions

While the SmartMDSS project has already shown great potential, there are several areas for future development. These areas include enhanced data integration, user-friendly interfaces, scalability, collaborative learning and integration with autonomous vehicles.

Integrating more diverse data sources, such as vehicle-mounted sensors and crowd-sourced data from connected vehicles, could further improve the system’s accuracy and reliability. By incorporating real-time data from a variety of sources, the AI system can provide even more precise and timely recommendations.

Developing more intuitive and accessible interfaces for end-users, such as mobile apps for road maintenance crews, can enhance the practical usability of the system. User-friendly interfaces ensure that the technology can be easily adopted and used by personnel at all levels of technical expertise.

Expanding the system to cover more geographic areas and different types of roads (e.g., urban streets vs. rural highways) will require scalable AI models that can handle diverse conditions and requirements. This expansion will make the benefits of AI-enhanced maintenance accessible to a wider range of road agencies.

Creating a network of collaborating agencies that share data and best practices can accelerate the system’s learning and improvement across different regions. By pooling resources and knowledge, agencies can collectively enhance their winter maintenance strategies.

As autonomous vehicle technology advances, there is potential for integrating SmartMDSS with autonomous snowplows and salt spreaders. This could further enhance efficiency and safety by allowing for precise, automated maintenance operations.

Challenges and Considerations

While the benefits of AI-enhanced winter road maintenance are clear, there are also challenges and considerations that need to be addressed:

  • Data Quality and Availability: The effectiveness of AI systems relies heavily on the quality and availability of data. Ensuring that accurate and comprehensive data is available for analysis is crucial for the success of SmartMDSS.
  • Technical Expertise: Implementing and maintaining AI systems requires technical expertise. Agencies need to invest in training and development to ensure that their personnel can effectively use and manage these advanced systems.
  • Initial Costs: The development and deployment of AI systems can involve significant initial costs. However, these investments are often offset by the long-term savings and efficiencies gained from optimized maintenance operations.
  • User Acceptance: Gaining acceptance from road maintenance crews and other stakeholders is essential for the successful adoption of AI systems. Ensuring that the technology is user-friendly and demonstrating its benefits can help facilitate this acceptance.

The integration of AI into winter road maintenance represents a significant advancement in the field, offering the potential to improve safety, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The SmartMDSS project at Michigan Technological University and University of Virginia demonstrates how AI can enhance decision-making processes and provide real-time, data-driven recommendations for winter maintenance operations.

As we continue to develop and refine these technologies, the future of winter road maintenance looks promising. By embracing AI, we can ensure safer and more efficient travel during the winter months, ultimately benefiting the public and the environment. The journey towards fully automated and intelligent winter maintenance is ongoing, but the progress made so far is a testament to the transformative potential of AI in this crucial area.

With continued research, collaboration and innovation, AI-enhanced winter maintenance systems will become an integral part of road management strategies, paving the way for smarter, safer and more sustainable winter road maintenance. RB

Hossein Tavakoli is a Ph.D. candidate and researcher at the Liu Research Group at the University of Virginia.

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