ATSSA explores innovations in temporary traffic control

March 24, 2021

More than 35,000 fatalities occur on U.S. highways each year. In 2019, 762 fatal crashes occurred in work zones, with 842 resulting work zone fatalities.

Several factors contribute to crashes in work zones, including traffic queues, speed, speed variability, worker exposure, and driver behavior. Given these statistics and trends shown in the last decade, practitioners are developing new strategies and devices to reduce the impacts and improve safety for all work zone stakeholders. 

The American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) developed the Case Studies on Innovations in Temporary Traffic Control booklet as part of an effort to provide information on strategies that can improve work zone safety and reduce injuries and fatalities. ATSSA collaborates with roadway safety infrastructure industry professionals each year to produce case studies that offer insights into key issues with the goal of saving lives.

This booklet provides case studies of examples of innovation in temporary traffic control, is nearly 50-pages long, and includes six case studies on the following topics:

  • Innovative Pavement Marking Applications
  • Innovative Work Zone Technology Applications
  • Innovative Lane Merge Strategies
  • Portable Temporary Rumble Strips
  • Nighttime Traffic Control Presence Lighting
  • Traffic Control for Planned Special Events

The case study devices and strategies outlined in the booklet have the potential for widespread implementation given the testing and deployment successes outlined by the implementing agencies. It was released in February and is available for purchase digitally and in hard copy format online at ATSSA members can download this and other case studies at no charge.


Editor's Note: Scranton Gillette Communications and the SGC Infrastructure Group are not liable for the accuracy, efficacy and validity of the claims made in this piece. The views expressed in this content do not reflect the position of the Roads & Bridges' Editorial Team.

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