Washington State DOT awards contract for I-405 widening and express toll lanes project

Aug. 22, 2019

When the project opens in 2024, it will add new capacity to create a dual express toll lane system between S.R. 167 in Renton and Northeast Sixth Street in Bellevue

The Washington State DOT (WSDOT) recently announced the award of a design-build contract to start construction on the I-405, Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes project.

According to WSDOT, the contractor Flatiron West, Inc.-The Lane Construction Corporation Joint Venture (Flatiron/Lane) submitted the apparent best value proposal of over $704 million to complete design and construction of the project.

When the project opens in 2024, it will add new capacity to create a dual express toll lane system between S.R. 167 in Renton and Northeast Sixth Street in Bellevue, similar to the express toll lanes between Bellevue and Lynnwood. The project will also build two new southbound auxiliary lanes, and rebuild several I-405 interchanges to accommodate the additional roadway.

“The first phase of the project, the I-405/S.R. 167 Interchange Direct Connector, opened to traffic in February ahead of schedule and under budget,” Kim Henry, I-405/S.R. 167 program administrator, said in a news release. “This next phase will really be key to improving the challenges facing drivers south of I-90 and will help provide new options for commuters along the entire corridor.”

The project will also build portions of King County’s 42-mile Eastrail and new infrastructure to support Sound Transit’s I-405 Stride Bus Rapid Transit system. The I-405 project is designed to improve speeds and trip reliability for all travelers and support the new BRT line. Currently, travelers in this stretch of roadway experience one of the state’s worst commutes.

WSDOT expects to give Flatiron/Lane notice to proceed on the first phase of design and construction activities later this year. Drivers along this corridor can expect to see construction activities start in early 2020.


SOURCE: Washington State DOT

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