The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) recently announced that Pittsburgh’s Fern Hollow Bridge is set to close for finishing touches.
After its tragic collapse in early 2022, Fern Hollow was quickly rebuilt and reopened in December. Since then, traffic has been limited to two lanes.
The upcoming closure will run from Monday, June 12 to Friday, July 7, during which crews will complete final milling, paving, and painting work.
Traffic will detour via South Dallas, Penn, and South Braddock avenues in Pittsburgh’s East End.
Project contractors, Swank Construction Company, will also coat the bridge deck in a polyester polymer concrete overlay to help preserve its lifespan.
“This treatment preserves the longevity of the deck surface to reduce future maintenance and extend the life of the bridge,” the city of Pittsburgh said in a statement.
Pittsburgh’s Department of Mobility and Infrastructure will also be completing work on traffic pattern and safety improvement projects during the closure. The updates will include jersey barriers along Forbes Avenue to protect a two-way cycle track, a pedestrian walking space on North Beechwood Boulevard, and other traffic-calming measures.
The Fern Hollow Bridge runs over Frick Park, one of the city’s most popular green spaces, and the Tranquil Trail will also reopen under the bridge. No word yet on whether the Hot Dog Dam, a small dog park that also was once under the bridge, will reopen, as well.
Future work to install pedestrian crossing signals at the west end of the bridge is expected in fall. No closure announcements have been made.
After July 7, Fern Hollow will reopen to its intended four-lane capacity.
Source: 90.5 WESA