Clock Spring | NRI

Houston, TX 77073


About Clock Spring | NRI


621 Lockhaven Dr.
Houston, TX 77073
United States of America

More Info on Clock Spring | NRI

ClockSpring | NRI helps extend the life of the world’s infrastructure. More than just a materials provider, we partner with the industry to deliver a series of concrete and composite repair solutions for civil infrastructure, including roads and bridges. These repair solutions help strengthen, repair, protect and rehabilitate assets. Among these solutions are our Concrete Cloth geosynthetic cementitious composite mat, GeoSpray geopolymer mortar system and RenewWrap FRP structural strengthening system. From structurally strengthening members to relining sewer pipes and erosion control, we can help engineer the right solution for the application.



Geosynthetic cementitious composite mats for DOTs

Sept. 25, 2019
When left unmaintained, erosion and soil stabilization along roadways and right of ways can have negative and costly outcomes. ClockSpring's Concrete Cloth geosynthetic cementitious...
Milliken Butler Rd Wrapping 4
Reinforcement Concrete

Fiber-reinforced polymer strengthening system

March 26, 2019
RenewWrap fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) strengthening system is an important strengthening technique in every engineer’s toolbox for concrete and masonry structures due to its...
Concrete Maintenance

Polymer strengthening system

Jan. 15, 2019
The RenewWrap fiber-reinforced polymer strengthening system is a strengthening technique for concrete and masonry structures that provides high strength, stiffness and corrosion...
Erosion Control and Soil Stabilization

Pipe & Culvert Rehab

Jan. 11, 2019
The GeoSpray system is a high-performance fiber-reinforced geopolymer mortar specifically formulated and engineered for rehabilitating pipes, culverts and containment areas. Its...
Erosion Control and Soil Stabilization

Erosion Control

Dec. 28, 2018
Concrete Cloth geosynthetic cementitious composite mat is a flexible cement-impregnated fabric that provides protection where conventional concrete is difficult or impossible ...

Case Studies

Culvert RepairRehabilitation

GeoSpray Application for Box Culvert System in Memphis

July 29, 2019
The OverviewIn early 2015, the city of Memphis hired an engineering firm to design a rehabilitation solution for the Sears crosstown box culvert system. This inspection included...
Culvert RepairRehabilitation

Liner provides cost-effective culvert repair

Feb. 25, 2019
By: John HepfingerThe city of Troy, Mich., is located among Metropolitan Detroit’s northern suburbs in Oakland County. It currently maintains a network of more than 350 miles ...
DOT Corner

IDOT uses GCCM to repair channel on Interstate right of way

Jan. 11, 2019
By: John HepfingerA concrete paved drainage channel on the Interstate 74 (I-74) right of way in Moline, Ill., collapsed due to years of undermining from soil erosion and scour...
Butler Rd Finished 7
DOT Corner

SCDOT uses repair, strengthening materials to prevent bridge deterioration

Sept. 20, 2018
The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) found corrosion-related deterioration of the pier caps and columns supporting the Butler Road bridge over I-385 in Greenville...
Photo 5 M20
Culvert RepairRehabilitation

Michigan DOT repairs culvert along Oceana County highway using GCCM

July 24, 2018
On highway M-20, east of New Era, Mich., a 70-ft metal plate arch culvert was experiencing moderate to severe section loss in the invert from corrosion and abrasion. The steep...
umpqua bridge1
Bridge Rescue

Carbon fiber strengthening system aids swing-span bridge

Jan. 25, 2018
The Umpqua River Bridge along the Oregon Coast Highway (U.S. 101) in Reedsport, Ore., is a swing-span bridge flanked by two tied reinforced concrete arches on each side. The bridge...
Column repair1
Reinforcement Concrete

Carbon fiber strengthening system repairs interchange column in South Carolina

Nov. 9, 2017
In June of 2016, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) was in the midst of building a new interchange at the intersection of I-85/I-385 in Greenville, S.C. During...
B&R CS_9-9 image 1

Reinforced concrete beams repaired with CFRP strengthening system

Sept. 15, 2017
More than 100 years after initial construction, a textile plant in the Southeast serving the booming automotive industry discovered it needed to rehabilitate portions of the structure...
R&B_7-25_photo 1
DOT Corner

Colorado DOT culvert rehabilitation implements spray-applied lining

July 27, 2017
In January 2016, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) placed a project for public bid which included repair of several large-diameter highway culverts and a single...
Bridges_Roadways image 1
Highway Maintenance

NCDOT installs GCCM for slope protection under I-95 bridge

Feb. 22, 2017
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Bridge Maintenance Division 6 had a major erosion problem at the bridge piles underneath I-95 at Highway 87 in Cumberland...

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All content from Clock Spring | NRI

MIS Geopolymers Hidalgo

Fundamentals of spray-applied geopolymer linings

Nov. 7, 2018
The aging and decaying state of wastewater systems is a global concern, specifically for large diameter wastewater pipelines. As the pipeline’s diameter grows, so does the price...
Milliken WP

The fundamentals for fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) strengthening

Aug. 8, 2018
United States infrastructure is aging. In its 2017 Infrastructure Report Card, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) issued a grade of C+ for the condition of the country...
DOT Corner

SCDOT turns to FRPs to repair failing bridge column

Oct. 26, 2016
In June of 2016, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) was in the midst of building a new interchange at the intersection of I-85/I-385 in Greenville, S.C. During...
Beulah Rd
DOT Corner

VDOT repairs culvert, avoids costly roadway rehabilitation with GCCM solution

Aug. 17, 2016
As a result of periodic culvert inspections, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) identified an existing triple-barrel steel-plate culvert south of Richmond, Va., ...
Concrete Cloth Hydrating
Highway Maintenance

Contractor-friendly GCCM solution quickly rehabilitates I-95 in North Carolina

June 22, 2016
As the main U.S. highway along the East Coast, Interstate 95 is one of the busiest and most important in the country. Like many others, it requires constant maintenance and oversight...
MIS Geospray McAllen 1
Culvert Repair / Rehabilitation

Rehabilitating a Texas-sized drain

March 24, 2016
In the border town of McAllen, Texas, dealing with storm water run-off is a challenge. For local municipalities, it is paramount to modify storm-water infrastructure to keep up...