Gov. Kathy Hochul announced earlier this month that $100 million will be allocated to enhance highway resiliency in 70 locations across New York impacted by extreme weather. A total of 551 lane miles of state highway in every region of the state will be repaved.
“Between extreme heat in the summer, devastating winter storms and the ongoing saga of freeze-thaw cycles, New York’s roads take a pounding from extreme weather in all seasons, and this investment takes direct aim at rejuvenating some of the state highways most impacted by extreme weather,” Hochul said. “Keeping our infrastructure in a state of good repair is a sound investment that not only increases resiliency, but spurs economic development and tourism across New York.”
The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) is responding to snow and ice events across the state.
Hochul’s team said that paving investments in the face of extreme weather will help ensure that state highways remain in good repair.
The paving, which will begin in the spring spring, includes $1.8 million to resurface Interstate 86 westbound from Exit 24 to Exit 26, $180,000 to resurface the Virginia and Carolina ramps to Interstate 190, and $125,000 will go to resurfacing the Busti Avenue ramps to Interstate 190.
Source:, AASHTO