By: Tim Gregorski
Software extensionSoftware extension
Autodesk, San Rafael, Calif., now offers a new extension for any type or size of road project, including new subdivisions, road reconstruction and highway design. The Road Output Extension is designed specifically for civil engineers and road engineering professionals to help reduce the number of manual steps traditionally required in the road design process. The Road Output Extension also provides tools for increasing the accuracy of designs, resulting in higher quality and more professional results. The extension provides the following new capabilities and benefits to customers:
- Reduces the multi-step process of creating an accurate surface or surface data directly from a roadway design into a single step;
- Combines design data directly from the roadway design into a surface data set for more accurate representation of a roadway design;
- Creates 3D polylines that represent the cross section of the roadway or the design along the length of the roadway; and
- Draws a 3D polyline representing a boundary showing the area influenced by a roadway design, giving users a point to evaluate the design grading results or continue their own custom grading solution.
Atlas/online route managementThe new 2002 Motor Carriers Atlas from Rand McNally, Skokie, Ill., offers a host of features to improve efficiency for professional drivers on and off the road. New features of the trucker’s atlas include a trial offer for IntelliRoute Online route management service, a new way to utilize the Internet as a resource and thousands of updates.
Purchasers of the 2002 Motor Carriers Atlas can register for a free, 30-day trial offer of IntelliRoute Online, the company’s commercial routing service. IntelliRoute allows drivers to improve their bottom line by accessing useful industry information, including lowest-cost routes, industry-standard Household Goods miles to reduce rate disputes and compliant routes, where possible, for hazardous material loads and 53-ft trailers. Routing itineraries in IntelliRoute reference exact map pages in the 2002 Motor Carriers Road Atlas.
Plan the pathPathPlanner ROADS, developed by Simtra AeroTech AB, Sweden, is a CAD-based software to design and simulate vehicle movements. It is an engineering tool that sets new standards in the ground transportation industry with applications in the following design areas: intersections; roundabouts; bus terminals; loading bays; parking facilities; congested vehicle access areas; and vehicle maneuvering in tight areas.
Features include user-defined design vehicles; standard templates for cars, trucks, trailers, semi-trailers and buses; addition of vehicle characteristics; defining loading points and coupling locations; insert start and end positions; generating user-defined path and space requirements; edit, store and retrieve numerous simulations; and review of the results of actual vehicle limitations.
Bridge softwareThe HE-69 Washington State DOT Bridge Engineering software is an open source package developed by the WSDOT and Structures Office under the terms and conditions of the Alternate Route Open Source License.
It consists of five individual software packages: Barlist Version 4; BEToolbox Version 1.1; PGSuper Version 1; QconBridge Version 1.1; and WBFL Version 1.
Barlist is designed to estimate quantities of reinforcing steel. It also was developed for managing reinforcement groups and bar records, an interactive bend guide for selecting bend diagrams and support of third-party add-in components.
BEToolbox was developed to bring together the WSDOT’s legacy applications into an easy-to-use and convenient tool without having to rewrite the programs.
PGSuper was designed to check precast-prestressed girder bridges in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification and/or WSDOT criteria.
QconBridge is a live-load analysis program for continuous bridge frames and for AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification HL93 live-load model.
WBFL (Washington Bridge Foundation Libraries) are reusable C++ class libraries that make writing bridge engineering software easier.