Mississippi DOT still dealing with Delta region flooding issues

July 25, 2019

The agency is continuing to monitor water levels, is confident of reduction in near future

The Mississippi DOT (MDOT) crews are continuing to monitor the condition of flooded highways throughout the Mississippi Delta region. MDOT officials are anticipating a slow but steady drop in water levels.

“Although the Mississippi River is flowing in the right direction and roadways are slowly emerging, roads that have been saturated for an extended period of time will not be traffic-ready right away,” said Commissioner Dick Hall, chair, Mississippi Transportation Commission. “We continue to ask for the traveling public’s patience as crews inspect and safely reopen these roadways.”

Current closures include:

  • SR 465 in Issaquena County, 0.5 miles from SR 1, near Onward.

  • SR 465 in Warren/Issaquena County from U.S. 61 to the Backwater Levee.

  • SR 465 between Eagle Lake and the Backwater Levee, Warren/Issaquena County.

  • Hwy 16 between of Rolling Fork and Holly Bluff, Sharkey County.

Before opening a heavily flooded roadway, debris removal, bridge inspections, cross-drain inspections, roadway inspections and necessary repairs will need to take place. Saturated pavements and embankments will also need sufficient time to properly drain, allowing it to hold the necessary amount of traffic.

“Our crews have found flood-related damage, but nothing that we will not be able to repair,” said Commissioner Hall. “Of course, the situation is fluid and the severity of damage could worsen.”

Motorists are reminded to not drive around barricades or try to cross a flooded section of roadway. When encountering a flooded roadway—TURN AROUND, DON’T DROWN. Severe weather safe driving tips that are applicable to any severe water-related weather situation can be found at GoMDOT.com/drivesmartms.

It has been estimated that repairs and cleanup along the Mississippi River will cost more than $2 billion over the entire region affected by flooding.

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