Retaining Walls

Retaining Walls

Modular gravity wall system

In 2018, The Reinforced Earth Company added the T-WALL retaining wall system (formerly of The Neel Company) to its family of retaining wall solutions. T-WALL is a modular gravity...

Severing ties

Nov. 1, 2017
Virginia DOT tunnels vital link to D.C.
Retaining Walls

Gravity blocks help complete Houston road improvement and detention pond expansion

The Lumpkin Road Reconstruction Project should have been relatively routine, but the deeper Houston’s Memorial City Redevelopment Authority dug, the more problems they encountered...
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Retaining Walls

Retaining walls prevent roadway washouts in Gisborne, New Zealand

During the fall of 2016, a particularly bad storm hit a shoreline road in Gisborne, New Zealand. Monstrous waves slammed into the shoreline slope, which eroded away due to oversaturatio...
Retaining Walls

Retaining walls support roads and bridges around the world

April 21, 2017
Engineers have designed thousands of Redi-Rock projects that have been built on critical roads and bridges around the world. These walls are supporting live loads, elevating...